Ack a mee: Acme, a local supermarket

Addytood: Attitude.

Bee Yoo Dee Full: Beautiful.

Bin Dare: I've been there.

Samson Shtreet: Sansom Street.

Senner Siddy: Center City.

Dah Iggles: Philadelphia Eagles.

Dah Fills: Philadelphia Phillies.

Dah Fliers: Philadelphia Flyers.

Dah Semi Sixes: Philadelphia SeventySixers.

Downashore: The beach (as found along the New Jersey shore.)

Downa Vet: Veterans Stadium.

Fluffya: Philadelphia.

I Goddago: I have to go.

Goes: Use in place of "said," as in "He goes, 'I'm not feelin' so good."

Guh Head: Yes, you may do that.

Langwich: Language.

Jeet Yet?: Have you eaten yet?

Jeez Take: Cheesesteak

Jeez Take Wit: Cheesesteak with onions.

King a Presha: King of Prussia.

Mondee, Twosdee, Whensdee, Thirsty, Frydee, Saradee, Sunny: Days of the week.

Niceta Meechas: Nice to meet you.

Nint Shtreet: Ninth Street.

Sammich: Sandwich.

Scrapple: Local delicacy made from ground pork byproducts.

Scappleinecks: Scrapple and eggs.

Siddy Haw: City Hall.

Skeeve: Hatred/disgust. (Example: "I skeeve raw scrapple.")

Skowne On?: What is going on?

Sow Fluffya: South Philadelphia.

Sow Shtreet: South Street.

Trawley: Trolley.

Wah?: Excuse me, what did you say?

Weubin: Where have you been?

Whachoolookinat: What are you looking at? (Often a challenge.)

Yo: Either "Hello" or "Hey."

Yo Supp: Hello, what is going on?

Yunner stan?: Do you understand?

Yuze (youse, yiz): You people.